Watching me… watching you

Just as the coronavirus pandemic lockdown restrictions gradually reduce it’s time to emerge out into a strange new world. You know… the place that has benefitted from the relative absence for months of pesky human creatures.

A place where birdsong has provided the soundtrack to an environment basking in a newfound laidback state of relaxation.

A place where fish have developed the confidence to swim about in clearer waters.

So, taking a gentle stroll along local canal side footpaths can only infuse the mind with a sense of tranquility…

That is, until you turn the next corner? “This is my place now… nobody passes!”

“Hey fellah, you might as well retreat into your buildings, but you can’t hide from me!”

Until we speak again, “I’ve got my eye on you!”

Sod it!

As the coronavirus restrictions begin to lift we are all being confronted with difficult decisions…

Is the time right to get back to work? Are the kids back in school? Can I work from home still? Will the workplace be safe? Do I use public transport? Do I add to climate damaging emissions? Where do I buy lunch these days? Has anybody worked out what the furlough thing is all about? Do today’s job loss announcements include mine? Do I believe anything the lying bastards in Government say?

Sod it…

Until we speak again, there are two types of people in the post restriction world of Cardiff… those dealing with difficult questions, and those who just mess about on boats!