Social distancing

“You humans do like to convolute your language. How are you getting on with your self-isolating, eh? Some things just come natural to those of us who live uncomplicated lives. If you do manage to perfect your walking-on-water technique, you still need to keep your 2 metres distance, okay!”

Lonely swan Mar 2020

Until we speak again, go away!

The sound of silence

Taking the daily exercise walk in my local area I am pleased to report another busy ‘corona day’ down Cardiff Bay

Bay empty on Monday 23-3-20

Until we speak again, congratulations to the masses heeding the dire warnings, and stay safe, keep well! As for the small minority of mindless morons… did you know you’re cultivating careers as serial killers… stay home!

Flight interrupted

So, you think you’re having problems trying to get flying, with all of this pandemic stuff going on? Stay grounded, they said, in the jargon of psychobabble. Well, you try taking off with this thing strapped to your legs!

Bird Anchored [1]

Until we speak again, stay safe and well. The option of flight is a luxury many can return to at a later date. For some, it’s just what we do!

The Long Wait

In these strange dystopian times we all find ourselves entering, it is good to see that the traditions of good old British queueing have not been entirely lost!

Gulls queue at Bay [1]

But, on a less than typical (or, is this the new typical?) Saturday afternoon down at Cardiff Bay, it looks like there might be quite a long wait for any transport…

Saturday at Bay March 20

Even up the flow, at Cool Cat Central, the wait goes on as there is no sign of passing traffic anytime soon…

Waiting at feeder canal [1]

Waiting at feeder canal [2]

Until we speak again, have a safe crisis!

A female perspective

It is a sad indictment on society that we have to have a day of recognition of 50+% of the population; but sadly the world is still very much dominated by misogynist attitudes, and you just have to look to some of the leaders in the western world to see there is a long way to go.

I wish a happy International Women’s Day to all my relevant readers, and would like to take this opportunity to say I have learned so much from the women in my life, even those where we had our differences of opinion… you will never know just how much I learned from all of those experiences. Utmost respect.


Until we speak again, this is a good day for me to reflect back on just how much I learned from two special cats that were in my life… Juno, after who this whole blog is named, had a very special way of communicating unconditional love; while poor Bella suffered a series of serious health issues during her brief stay here, and she had a unique way of testing my patience!


[Special acknowledgement to for the card image]